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The Boston Women's Film Festival is the Boston area's leading festival for international  films created by women. For ten days in October, hosted by The Brattle Theatre in Harvard Square, Cambridge and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Boston Women's Film Festival will be bringing the latest in media created by women from around the globe. The festival will host panel discussions by leading figures in the media industry bringing together creators and audiences for a weekend of celebrating the diversity and power of women's cinema. Stay tuned to this site and our social media for more details as they are announced. 


Executive Director: Jo Ann Graziano.

Jo-Ann Graziano is a Boston-based writer and academic. She is a Lecturer in Comparative Media Studies/Writing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In her teaching, she emphasizes women's inclusion, recognizing historical oversight of women's talent.  She has a background in policy development and oversees a research project at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She is also the first woman to graduate from the masters program in Literature and Creative Writing at Harvard. graziano(at)bostonwomensfest.org

Associate Director: James A. Nadeau.

James A. Nadeau is the former executive director of Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBT Film Festival. For nearly twenty years he has programmed films and curated art programs throughout the Boston area. He is a lecturer on film in the Literature Department at MIT and teaches film history at Lesley College of Art and Design. nadeau(at)bostonwomensfest.org

Programming & Operations: Ivy Moylan.

Ivy Moylan is the Executive Director of the Brattle Film Foundation. Ivy has been working on film festivals and exhibition for over 20 years. She is passionate about providing audiences access to diverse perspectives and stories.  moylan(at)bostonwomensfest.org

Programming Director: Angela Giles.

Angela M Giles is a writer and editor at The Manifest-Station. She takes her responsibility to amplify women's voices seriously and is thrilled to be involved with the reinvigoration of The Boston Women's Film Fest.  giles(at)bostonwomensfest.org 

Director of Programming: Katherine Irving. 

Katherine Irving is a film programmer and educator who studied fine art before earning her Master's degree in Film Studies. Her arts background continues to inform her creative approach to film curation, which blurs the lines between mainstream, independent and experimental film. She has worked as a film programmer at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, where she managed partnerships with ten local film festivals, and taught Film Studies courses at Boston College. She currently resides in Los Angeles.

Festival Programming Assistant:

Kason Giles

Kason Giles is a true cinephile. After completing his studies at Utah Tech, where he took classes on film and filmmaking, he started a monthly film club that focuses exclusively on films that are not familiar to mainstream audiences. As an Assistant Programmer, Kason brings his eye for finding treasure at the margins to the Boston Women’s Film Festival. Providing these types of films to a bigger audience is gratifying for Kason, as he knows firsthand the power of stories only women can tell.